The Quality Assurance Service business is based on trust.
Our customers entrust us with their money and confidential information because of our reputation for honesty, integrity and high ethical standards.
To protect the interests of our customers, Inspect-China has adopted this Code of Ethics for all directors and employees to promote honest and ethical conduct and to deter wrongdoing. Integrity is the core of Inspect-China; Our ethical compliance program is based on our Code of Integrity and Professional Conduct, to ensure the high standards of integrity are applied to our day-to-day inspection and factory audit activities. The purpose of this Code is to lay down rules of behavior and to provide guidance in our business. It is the responsibility of all of us at Inspect-Chinato live by our Code.
(1). Act honestly and ethically on the performance of their duties at the Company.
(2). Act in good faith, responsibly, with due care, competence and diligence, without misrepresenting material facts or allowing independent judgment to be subordinated.
(3). Promptly bring to the attention of the Internal Audit Committee any information concerning significant deficiencies, breach of confidence or any fraud.
(4). Share knowledge and maintain skills relevant to quality inspection and factory audit duties within the Company.
(5). Safeguard confidential information concerning the businesses of customers and the Companies’ busine. please refer directly to our Privacy policy
(6). Seek advice when in doubt.
(7). Avoid actual or apparent conflicts of interest between personal and professional relationships or between the individual's other business or professional interests and his or her duties and responsibilities to the Company.
(8). Prohibit to receipt any gift, hospitality or expenses whenever such arrangements could affect the outcome of our quality assurance service activities, employees involving in commerical bribes will be dismissed immediately. Our gifts must generally be imprintted with Inspect-China's logo. please refer directly to our Internal audit policy
(9). Comply with rules and regulations of governments and other private and public regulatory agencies that affect the conduct of the Company's business.